For over 100 years, police dogs have served alongside officers to protect the public. Years spent chasing criminals, detecting drugs and searching for explosive devices can lead to these brave animals experiencing costly medical conditions in retirement. 

The Railway Dogs Benevolent Fund was established to support dogs who have completed their service with British Transport Police (BTP). 

The Fund provides grants towards the cost of their care, including ongoing medical treatment, so these loyal and hardworking animals can enjoy a long and happy retirement.

Police Dogs at work

British Transport Police was the first police force in the country to use dogs. In 1908, Airedale Terriers Jim, Vic, Mick and Ben patrolled with officers of the North Eastern Railway Police (which later became part of BTP).  

Today, BTP’s Dog Section is one of the largest in Britain, with more than 50 dogs. German Shepherds are used for crime scene work, searching and public order, while Springer Spaniels and Labradors undertake searches for explosives. 

Established  2019


Registered Charity  No.1190638


Trustees  Four


Independent of Police


Supports RPDs

Website:  Railway Dogs Benevolent Fund


Twitter      Railway Dogs Benevolent Fund






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